215 229-2967 |  [email protected]

Our Mission

Why We Do What We Do!

  1. Because we desire to exalt the name of Jesus among all people by sharing the Gospel and exhibiting the love of God in all we do and say.
  2. Because we believe that God has called us to stay at our present location and to minister to people of every race, nationality and ethnic background.
  3. Because we believe we can build a ministry that will meet the physical, emotional, educational, and special needs of our inner city community as well as their spiritual needs.
  4. Because the people of the inner city are entitled to the best sound Biblical worship, teaching and help as the people who live in the "better" areas of the city.
  5. Because we believe that the application of the principles of God's inerrant Word, the Bible, provides the basic answers to the needs of all people, and especially those of the inner city.
  6. Because we desire to show our community that when people are one in Christ Jesus, regardless of their race, nationality or ethnic background, they are able to live, worship, and work together in peace and harmony.
  7. Because we have had no indication that God would have us relocate or dissolve; that is, God continues to bless us at 26th Street and Lehigh Avenue by: 
    1. Establishing a deep fellowship with-in the congregation that is "loving" and "intimate;"
    2. Providing many opportunities for spiritual growth;
    3. Providing financial needs despite the pressure of the high cost of living.
    4. Bringing us members and friends from all areas of the Delaware Valley.
    5. Increased membership.
    6. Sustaining us through difficult times.
    7. Providing support for our programs from many who are not a part of the congregation.
    8. Providing unique opportunities to minister to the folk who live in the inner city, while other congregations have fled to the suburbs or have little interest in the needs of the community.
    9. Because we have been challenged to sharpen our skills and grow spiritually while dealing with special problems
  8. Because we are located in the midst of a large number of University and College campuses, Temple University with over 25,000 students is but ten minutes away by car. Temple University Medical School is but five minutes by car from our location and Philadelphia University is ten minutes by car from our location. These as well as numerous other nearby major Universities and Seminaries provide a rich resource for witness and service.

  9. Because the neighborhood, while in need of improvement, is not as unsafe as the media makes it out to be. Also our neighbors are quite friendly, respectful and supportive.

  10. Because we have been at the same location since 1896 and continue to enjoy a fruitful ministry.

  11. Because remaining at the same location builds stability in our ministry and confidence in those to whom we minister.

  12. Because we are the geographic center of Philadelphia which affords us opportunity to reach out into all areas of the city as well as adjacent communities.

  13. Because we are on the corner of a wide, main thoroughfare with public transportation stopping at the front door.

  14. Because it is to be noted that all the major traffic arteries in the city lead directly to our location or are immediately adjacent to our location making it convenient for our people to attend services and activities.

  15. Because we have a substantial building  that is in good repair and is quite adequate for our present and immediate future needs. This means that we do not have to spend large amounts of money to erect a new building elsewhere, but can channel available funds into programs of evangelism, education, fellowship, and the improvement of our facilities.