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Doctrinal Statement

Our Authority

The Word of God (The Holy Bible) is the basis for all that we do and teach. Our knowledge of God, of Salvation, of all that we believe, of the governing of the Church, the ordering of worship, and of the ordering of our lives is all based on what God says to us through the Bible. The Bible is the final authority to which we appeal in all matters that come before the Church.

We Believe In...

...the inerrancy of the Word of God
...the eternal existence of the Trinitarian Godhead
...the sovereignty of God in all matters
...the deity of Jesus Christ. and His virgin birth
...Jesus' sacrificial death and bodily resurrection
...the substitutionary atonement
...the imminent return of Jesus Christ
...the existence, personality and work of Satan today
...the fall of man through sin unto God's wrath and condemnation
...man's salvation by grace through faith
...the eternal security of the Believer
...the sanctification of all believers
...the priesthood of all believers
...the careful definition of spiritual gifts for believers
...the resurrection of all the dead
...the autonomy and authority of the local church
...the ordinances of baptism and the Lord's Supper
...the reality of good and bad angels
...the grace of giving to the local church
...the evangelism of the world

Our Message

That all men are dead in trespasses and sin and are under the condemnation of God unto eternal death. That man being unable to care for his own sin is dependant on the provision of salvation through Jesus Christ as offered by God. That faith in the shed Blood of Jesus Christ is the only means of salvation available to men. That all men must confess their sin, repent, and receive Christ as their Savior. That unless they do so they are destined for eternal punishment in hell.